Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to join OTA?

OTA has two different membership types:

  • Carrier Members: Any business operating trucks under an active DOT in and around Ohio. The association services For-Hire Motor Carriers and Private Carriers.

  • Allied Members: A non-carrier company that provides goods or services to the trucking industry.

Does membership run on a calendar year or anniversary year?

Members are renewed on their anniversary date each year. If you join today, you will be invoiced one year from today.

What is the cost of membership in OTA?

Membership for Carrier Members vary based on the power units in their fleet. It averages out to about $18 per power unit. The minimum dues that a company pays is $387 and the maximum that a carrier will pay is $4404.

Membership for Allied Members is a flat fee of $566.

What can I expect as a member of the OTA?

As a member of OTA, your company, from executive management to operations, safety, security and human resources professionals will have access to tools and resources needed to make informed decisions and advance your business.

Whether you’re a For-Hire Carrier, Private Carrier, or Allied provider: efficiency, productivity and relevancy are key. Our promise is to assist in equipping your business in improving day in and day out.

What are the benefits of joining OTA?

OTA offers a robust offering of member benefits. These include professional development and education opportunities, carefully negotiated cost savings programs, the latest industry news and updates, industry connections, and advocacy on a local, state and federal level. Involvement equals an immeasurable return on investment.

Are OTA membership dues tax deductible?

Payments of dues or other contributions to Ohio Trucking Association are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution for income tax purposes. They may, however, be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses to the extent not allocated to lobbying expenditures. OTA estimates that the deductible portion of your dues is 5.5%.

How do I join OTA?

It is easy to join the association. Click here for our online application.